Thursday Thoughts - Possibility

Polly Warren

On today’s Monday Motivation, Lucy and I are talking about possibility…

So many of us hold ourselves back in life because we don’t think things are possible for us. We allow our limiting beliefs to convince us that this or that could “never happen for me.”

But what if we start to cultivate a mindset that believes in possibility? What if we allow ourselves to dream that the things we truly desire ARE possible, if we just believe in ourselves, and start taking baby steps towards them?

If we fight for our limitations, we get to keep them (a wise person once said, not me!); so let’s start leaning into the possibility that we, too, are just as worthy, deserving and capable of achieving the things we dream of as anybody else.

Because, seriously, why not you? 😉

We hope you’ll find something useful in here!

Polly & Lucy x

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