A podcast for busy midlifers ready to reclaim their energy, joy, and purpose.
Are you, like me, riding the rollercoaster of midlife and menopause, and eager to get back to living your best life? Are you tired of low energy, a short temper and endless self doubt?
Well, It’s time to stress less and shine more. It’s time ditch the worry, reclaim your mojo and unleash your inner brilliance.
It's never too late to transform, and you’re certainly not too old. And in my opinion, midlife and menopause provide the perfect opportunity to do just that.
Join me each week for uplifting stories and expert insights on how to feel as good as you can and create a joyful, purpose-driven life you truly love.
So when you’re ready, Let the beautiful menomorphosis begin!
Thursday Thoughts - Consciously Creating Our Lives
On this week's Thursday's Thoughts, Lucy and I are talking about intentionally creating our lives.
We have more agency over our lives than we realise, but most of us our unconsciously creating our realities, rather than consciously creating them.
So…we need to make a decision to get intentional about what we want our life to look like, and we need to get conscious about how we’re thinking and how we’re feeling.
In the unified, quantum field in which we are all swimming, all eventualities are possible. The question is, which one are we choosing to align with? Which version of our future do we want to manifest? The choice is ours.
We need to get clear on our vision for the future, embody the emotions of that future right now, and start taking small steps towards it. When we mentally rehearse our future every day in meditation and through visualisation, we are literally training our brains to find the opportunities, people, and circumstances that will help us get there.
Ask yourselves every, single day: what am I going to tune into today? What frequency am I going to align with? And choose wisely…because it matters.
We hope you’ll find something useful in here!
Polly & Lucy x
To find out more about my membership The Inner Space go to: https://www.pollywarren.com/theinnerspace
Email me at: info@pollywarren.com
Hello and welcome to Thursday Thoughts. Thursday Thoughts what on earth are they? I hear you ask. Well, my friend Lucy and I meet every week over on Instagram to talk all things personal growth, because she is as obsessed with it as I am, and we decided that we might as well put those conversations out as a weekly podcast. So now you can listen to us chat here on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcasts, and we'll be talking about topics such as spirituality, limiting beliefs, the ego imposter syndrome, gratitude, meditation, confidence and so much more. So if you're ready, here we go.
Speaker 2:So I thought of this as well. Well, I mean, this morning I was thinking shit, what are we going to talk about this morning? And the and the only thing I could come up with was well, when I say the only thing, it sounds like it's like a not a very good topic. It it really is. It's like actually the best fucking topic in the whole world and it's something I get really excited about.
Speaker 2:So we are talking today about consciously creating our lives and, as I was wittering onto myself before you came on, why wouldn't we want to do that? Why would we not want to consciously create our lives? And the thing is like it's going to sound like we're getting really, really woo-woo, but actually this is. It is quantum, it's quantum physics, it's literally quantum mechanics, quantum physics there is, you know, it is science. So. So, before anyone starts rolling their eyes and go, oh my god, you know lucy's value about woo, woo stuff again, no, it's not, it's really not it's quantum physics, the 16 year old version of me would be going what the hell happened to you?
Speaker 2:because I never, ever, well, I wasn't listening in physics, and I really wish I had been listening in physics, but anyway. So, essentially, what we're talking about here is I mean, if you want to call it manifestation, call it manifestation. What we're talking about here is making a decision to consciously create our lives, because, by becoming consciously aware of how we're thinking and how we're feeling, and what we want to be doing is rehearsing in our minds, every freaking day, a vision of our future. We want to be living with a vision of our future rather than always being led by this. You know, the memories of the past, those beliefs that that we all have about ourselves, because, again, it's I mean, I'm going to botch the hell out of this, but it really does come down to atoms and subatomic particles and the observer effect, because where we are placing our focus, what we are actually observing is what we are going to draw into our lives, and it's not just like, oh, I'm just going to think about, um, you know, a brand new house, and then it just sort of pops into reality. Of course, that's.
Speaker 2:It's not as simple as that, but it really truly is a combination of have setting your intention for what it is that you want, having a really clear intention for that, and then we have to elevate our emotions to match that intention. We have to essentially embody that version of ourselves right now, and then, of course, we have to take some freaking action. We can't just visualize and hope and wish and embody. We have to actually take action. But, of course, what I have found and I'm sure you would agree with this is when you start, when you get really clear on what your intention is, when you get really clear on a vision of where you're going, and you start to embody those emotions and you start to visualize it regularly, it becomes easier to take the actions, because you genuinely start to believe in whatever that vision is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and all I will say is that I have seen this work in my own life and it is I you know, as I said at the beginning, this is something I get so like insanely excited about, because I've really made a point of doing the fucking research, educating, educating myself on all of this stuff, and it's something that we should all be obsessed with, because the truth is that we do have so much more agency over our lives than we think we do. And of course things are always. You know, I'm not saying that we have control over everything, everything. Of course we do not, of course we don't. And things are always going to happen that are unexpected and bad and all the rest of it. Because that's just, that's just human life, that is what it is to be human, that is the human experience. However, we do have a certain amount of agency over what our life looks like, but the but, but, the truth of the matter is that it's what is going on internally that is massively, massively impacting what we are seeing in our lives externally.
Speaker 1:So I mean literally I get so fired up I can't even tell you I cannot even tell you.
Speaker 2:Because it's the thing is, because it's exciting, because when you realize how it actually works and again from not from a woo-woo perspective, not from freaking magic, but from a physics perspective we are all just energy. We are 99.99999% energy and 0.00001% matter. We are mainly energy, and whatever energy we are putting out there into the quantum field, into the universe, we are going to attract back into our lives. That's just the way that it works. So I just feel like this mission to kind of bang on about this as much as I possibly can so that people start believing in it too, because it's really exciting.
Speaker 1:It is really exciting and when I learned all of this it really was like this kind of amazing. It's as if this veil had been lifted and I saw the world in a completely different way. And I only started learning about it in my 40s. And once you know about it, you can't kind of it all suddenly makes sense and you can't go back. And I mean it was Kathy Heller, really, who really opened my eyes to all of this. And then I read so many books Jen Sincero is very good.
Speaker 1:Her books are very good on this but the fact that we are mostly energy just makes so much sense because if you just know it, you can feel it. If you're feeling really depressed and really low, you are very low vibe and you feel it. You're heavy, your energy's very heavy. If you're around somebody who's really depressed and low, it sucks, it drains the life out of you, it sucks your energy, you feel it. And so totally the opposite is true. When we are feeling really enthusiastic, really positive, really happy, really excited, you're in a completely different energy and your, your vibration is so much higher and it's a bit like and this is what Kathy Heller always used to talk about you know, if you have a guitar and you pluck one of the strings, an A string, if there's a guitar on the other side of the room, that A string will also start to vibrate, because like attracts like and you start vibrating at that same resonance, at that same frequency. So this stuff is, is it as you say? It's physics and it works, and so what we want to do is attract all the good stuff to us. It you know.
Speaker 1:And another thing which you might notice, that happens if you wake up and you wake up too late. You fall out of bed, you burn your toast, you notice that, then you're late for work, you miss the bus or whatever happens, and then you get snappy with a colleague. It's when you start on a bad low, on a bad kind of footing, and your vibration gets lower and lower. You notice that generally a lot of shit things seem to happen, in that in that day one thing leads to the next, and that is most probably because your vibration is low. You keep attracting all those things to you. On the other hand, if you start your day with space and positivity and a high vibration, then you are much more likely to follow through that day and attract the more positive things to you and have a much better day, and you and I both know that because we both have our morning routines which do it.
Speaker 1:The intention of it is to do exactly that start the day with intention, with a feeling that you want to have a vision of, a vision of of where you want to go. All of these things are super important to just help you get into that high vibe state so you're more likely to attract what you want, but also to just be really bloody intentional about what it is you want, rather than just floating through without any intention whatsoever. Because if you're not thinking about what you really want, then it's very easy just to kind of go between the different states of how you're feeling. You can either be one high five one minute, but it's very easy the next to let everything get on top of you and you're not maintaining it. So I suppose the question is to really think about you know what? What are you consistently thinking about?
Speaker 1:And how is that affecting where you are? How is it affecting what you're attracting to yourself? How is it affecting your actual current reality? Because it might well be. Are you someone who feels like the world is against them? You, you're a victim of your circumstance. It's not not your fault. Uh, people are always, you know, wrong. If you are in that sort of victim mentality, yeah, then you're going to be attracting more of that sort of stuff towards you.
Speaker 1:What we've got to do is take control. You have control, and that's what's the exact. That's what it's. A completely exciting thing is that we have control. This is what we're always talking about. You know, you, you have control of how you are thinking, what you are bringing into your, your world, into your awareness, and if you can make those things as survive as possible, yeah, then you are going to remain at that vibration, and, of course, it's impossible to stay there the entire time, but what we want is that, the majority of the time, yeah, you're, and of course, it's impossible to stay there the entire time, but what we want is that, the majority of the time, yeah, you're feeling good exactly it's.
Speaker 2:It's? It's that, it's our dominant vibration. What, what are you? What do you like? You say you know what, if you think about how you feel, most of the time that is what you're going to get back in your life. So, if you're feeling frustrated, annoyed, angry, pissed off most the time, even if it's 51% rather than 49%, if you're feeling that 51% of the time, your dominant vibration, your dominant emotion, those dominant thoughts are what you are going to draw back into your lives.
Speaker 2:And the problem is that most of us and I used to absolutely 100 million percent be like this. I was always thinking about what I didn't have, my problems, what I was pissed off about. I was thinking about what I lacked. I never, ever, thought about where I what well, I did you know, occasionally sort of daydream, I knew where I wanted to be, but my focus and this is the key, my focus was always on worrying, complaining, um, and feeling in lack, and feeling like this isn't, this isn't what I want my life to look like. Oh, my god, this is so shit. Oh, da, da, da, da, da, da, and just going over and over and over that. My, my, my main focus was on what I didn't have and what I didn't want, and this is what so many of this is.
Speaker 2:The mistake that so many of us do is that we continually observe the things that we don't want. We observe where we are now, and perhaps where we are now isn't necessarily where we want to be forever, but we keep thinking about that. We keep placing our observation on that, on the lack, on the things that we don't want, and and when we place our observe, remember this is about the observer effect, it. You know quantum physics, it's what you observe, that is what you're going to bring into your life, and so what we want to do is we want to start observing our future. We want to start placing our focus on where we're going and the reason why. You know meditating every morning and you know visualizing, which I do every well, I pretty much do it every day visualizing my future, visualizing Jennifer Aniston coming on my podcast, visualizing financial freedom, visualizing the house whatever it is, visualizing financial freedom, visualizing the house, whatever it is. I think about those things, I place my attention on them every fucking day. They are fresh in my mind and this is what we need to do, because by, by focusing on the things that you want every single morning really intensely and kind of embodying the feelings that we want, because ultimately, you know, all of the things that we want is because we want to feel a certain way, but what we forget is that we can choose to feel that way right now. We can choose, and that's what we exactly what we want to do, and again, it's the mistake that we make. We think we're going to be, we think we're going to feel a certain way when we get the thing that we want to get, but actually it doesn't work that way. It works in terms of you've got to become it now. We don't get what we want. We get who we are. We get who we are. We get we get who we are being.
Speaker 2:However, we are being in the here and now is what we're getting more of and most of us are being, you know, angry and frustrated and, oh my god, fucking politics and the world is going to shit and and yes, that may be the case, but we don't need to focus on it 24, 7 and again, it comes down to so much of this comes down to what are you allowing into your mind? What you know? What are you consuming all through the day? Are you watching the news obsessively? Are you starting the day by thinking, oh god, look at the news. Oh my god, everything's so shit, you know. No, no, no, don't do that. We have got to stop doing that. We've got to be focusing intentionally on where we are going and embodying the emotions. Embodying them now, because that is what is going to bring them into our lives.
Speaker 2:Of course. Then, coupled with, you know, work, action towards the things, and and it doesn't have to be anything big, and if you want something, you know something really big, you just have to take little steps towards it. But, as we, essentially, it's about mental rehearsal every single day. We've got to. We've got to rehearse our future every day. We've got to mentally rehearse our future every fucking day so that it is at the forefront of our minds. And that is where our focus is going. And and when I, and, and and.
Speaker 2:Also, we've got to remember that when we think about what we, what we desire in the future, we don't want to be thinking about it like, oh my god, I really want that, but I'm never going to have it. We want to be thinking about it in an excited way, because when it comes to, like you know, going. I can't believe I'm talking about quantum mechanics. But when it comes to that, you know, every possibility is available. Every possibility is available in this infinite quantum field that we are all swimming in without realizing it. You know, this 5d world, this 5d human experience sorry, this 3d world, rather this 3d human experience is a tiny part of what actually exists in reality. It is a tiny part of it. So we've got to start tapping into the massive potential that is in this quantum field that we're literally swimming in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know and that is that is why just starting your day every single day with some sort of focus, some sort of intention to just get to that point, and that is as simple as that. Really, that is like the first step, just, and I, in my um, in my inner space sessions after you know pretty much most most of the sessions I will always say, you know, decide who you want to be today and and visualize that version of yourself, and you can just start. Almost obviously, you could have a longer term vision, but you can just start almost as well just on. Who do you want to be today? Who is that version of yourself? Can you show up as that version of yourself when challenges and shit hits the fan come along, which they're going to do? How are you going to react? And it's not about just swimming, you know, um, skipping along, going, you know everything's rainbows, rainbows and unicorns, it's not like that. But it's about can you react in a way that is thoughtful and the way that the version of you, which you in your highest vibration, would react, rather than letting it get to you, getting snappy, letting it ruin your day. React to it how you need to react with it and then get on, push it away, get on with the rest of your day.
Speaker 1:And also, visualising is key. I mean, serena Williams talks about how she would visualise every single tennis match, every single point. She would, you know, and then get there. Jim Carrey is another example. He wrote before he had any money, before he was famous, he wrote out a cheque 10 million dollars um to himself and he just believed that that was going to happen. He became, he just um, knew that was coming to him and apparently, and he set himself a date as well, and apparently, just before the date, it happened, he signed um, dumb and dumber for $10 million.
Speaker 1:So that's a really good example of just you've just got to believe. Oprah Winfrey is another amazing example With the Colour Purple the film. She was desperate to be in that film and somehow, and she just believed it was going to happen, believed it was going to happen, and then she got there. But it's obviously not just believing, as you say, isn't enough. You've got to become that version of yourself who is who thinks it's, you know who believes it's actually going to happen, and one. And when you do that, then you are going to take the actions and the steps necessary. You're going to take the actions forward. So very simply, for example, for us, for you and me in order to grow our businesses, we knew that we had to get comfortable with getting visible, talking to people, attracting people into our worlds. So for me, that was huge. I started a podcast. I had no confidence in the way that I spoke. I I hated the way that I spoke. I didn't think I'd be able to do that at all, but I kind of visualised that it was possible and of course, I did it. And then there it is, you and I doing this. We believed that we could do it. And here we are, we're holding each other accountable and we're doing it and so many things in my life.
Speaker 1:Becoming a teacher I've talked about this before. I decided I want to be a teacher but obviously it didn't just happen. But I put myself in situations where I got, I went in, volunteered in a school, so it's like taking those little actions, and then I just sort of got through a onto a scheme where I got paid to be to do the training totally by the back door, and it just kind of happened because I took those small steps in that direction of what I wanted. And sometimes it. You know we have to be patient, yes, which we both know. Sometimes it doesn't, you know, you gotta wait for it, and often it happens when you are fully aligned and ready for it. So I'm not saying that it happens overnight. I think some things can happen, probably quicker than others. But sometimes if it's not happening it's probably because you're not quite ready for it yet. Perhaps you don't quite believe it yet.
Speaker 1:But it's just about that belief and that consistency and just keeping on believing. And I'm not saying that that's easy either. It's again, for me it's been a real roller coaster, don't get me wrong, the doubt, the, you know, the, the wavering of that belief happens quite consistently. But it's about how you then reset and reset your mind and focus and it's just ultimately such a nicer way to live your life in this way, trying to focus on feeling good I mean, who doesn't want that? It's a much happier, more positive, more, just a greater way to live life.
Speaker 1:I don't want to be stuck in the, in the spiral of negativity. I have a couple of you know, very sadly. I know a couple of people, good friends, who have currently got themselves stuck thinking that the world is against them, everybody's wrong, and you can see how difficult it is for them at this moment to pull themselves up. But only they, only you are able to make that choice of changing how you're thinking. Yeah, so you know you, I can't. You know you can try and say, well, you've got to do it. But actually only you can absolutely make that decision that you are going to change the way you're thinking. Because ultimately that's it. If you're choosing to be the victim, you're going to be the victim, you're going to be the victim and you're going to attract more crap to you. So it's hard. It's hard sometimes, but once you pull yourself out of that, that sort of low vibe, it's much easier to keep yourself high vibe when you're aware of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and it's a practice. There is no doubt that it's a practice. It's a practice that you and I practice every single fricking day. And you know, going back to that victim mentality, I very much used to sit there and the problem is that when you are in that victimhood state, you don't realise that you're there, you don't, you're not thinking that you're doing that, because you're just, you're so unaware that you, you're not, you don't even realize you're in it.
Speaker 1:So what? But this is about Lucy for you, when, when you were in that, what was it that that pulled you?
Speaker 2:out. For me it was. You know it's for me it was. I had always known intuitively that there was just something more. I just I just always felt for for decades, that there was just something more. I just I just always felt for decades that there was something more for me. I knew that there was more to life. I just knew it. I just intuitively felt, but I never did anything about it because I was too busy sitting in fucking negativity and and at that point I didn't believe. And then, basically, it started really with didn't believe and then, basically, if it started really with, um, well, it just it's. It started literally with, like reading books, it started by actually it started by making it.
Speaker 2:The moment that I remember so vividly was it was one morning I'd been for a run, I was sitting on a bench, it was a beautiful morning, it was early morning and I literally made a decision. I literally decided that I was going to change my fucking life. I literally was like this. I was like this is it, this is it. I'm not doing this anymore, I'm not living a life that. That is not, that doesn't feel fulfilling, that doesn't feel satisfying, doesn't feel enough. I made a decision and then I just threw myself headfirst and immersed myself in all things personal growth and I read all the books, I listened to the podcast. I just started changing the way that I think, because ultimately we have to.
Speaker 2:It's about getting conscious. So many of us we're living and I do it too, of course, of Christ. I am so far from perfect, it's not even funny, and I, you know, I regularly fall back into the program, I regularly fall back into unconsciousness. But the thing is, as you practice this, you get better at recognizing it. So it really starts with that awareness. We've got to get aware, we've got to be, we've got, you know, put a fucking sticky on your bathroom mirror saying are you feeling? Are you aware? Get aware, be conscious, because ultimately that is how it starts, is. It's a question of getting conscious every single day, reminding yourself every single day.
Speaker 2:So I would just advise people to number one clarify what it is that you truly want. Don't hold back, don't be like oh no, but I couldn't have that. Oh no, this is what I used to be like, but I, but I, but I, but I can't but this but that, but that we make these excuses. It's like, you know, if someone suggests something I used to be like but, but you don't understand, because this and but, that and but that, no, no, screw that.
Speaker 2:Allow yourself to to truly be honest with yourself about what it is that you want. Maybe that is financial freedom. Maybe you want to um, you know, maybe you want to buy a beautiful house by the sea, or whatever it is. Just get clear on what it is you want, and then you have to rehearse it. You do, you really do have to rehearse this every single day in your mind what, what it is that you want, and you have to rehearse it. You do, you really do have to rehearse this every single day in your mind what, what it is that you want. And you know to use another analogy that I've heard more than one person talk about, including Kathy and I, and I love this so much.
Speaker 2:I think this is just a such a brilliant way of thinking about it every single day ask yourself, what radio station am I tuning into? What radio station am I tuning into? Because, ultimately, as I sit in this room here now, as you sit in that room there now, every single station is available to us. If I had a radio right here, I could you know? I can tune into any station on that, or everything is available, like in this room. All the all the different frequencies are available to me.
Speaker 2:The question is what the hell am I tuning into? Am I choosing Megadeth FM or am I choosing Stevie Wonder FM? Do you know what I mean? Like what? What are you choosing to tune into? Because that is that. But that is the question. Are you choosing? Are you tuning into Megadeth FM and thinking about fucking Donald Trump and Elon Musk? And, oh my god, I just want to. You know everything is so shit in the world's. You know, going to hell in a handbasket is that. Do you want to tune into that? Or actually, do you want to tune into a bit of sleep with Mac, because I know which one I'd rather be listening to. So ask yourself, what do I want to tune into today? And freaking tune into it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know yes, yes, I certainly don't want Megan to have them, oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:No, it's. I mean it is, it's just it's. I mean you can see why people call it an awakening, or and I know that sounds so wanky, but when you conscious, that is kind of what it is it's like you wake up. It's like you wake up to what is actually going on and is happening and the fact that you have all this control over your life. And because if before that, I know that I for one as well, was just on autopilot, sleepwalking through my life, thinking that I didn't really have much control or much choice over what I was doing, but when, as you say, you become conscious and aware of what you're thinking, what you're allowing in, then everything changes and you have this amazing sense of control over everything and, of course, shit happens and think there are things we can't control, but you can control your response to it and that's that's the key. It is like a waking up and um, I just and that, and ultimately, that's what you and I do with with what we're doing and with what we're doing.
Speaker 1:It's just it's really allowing people to the space, the time, the tools to become conscious and to build that awareness to their thoughts, their feelings. And yeah, there are loads of tools and loads of ways you can do it and and everybody's got to find their own way. But for me, for you, starting my day with a practice that builds that awareness to my thoughts, to my feelings, to my, then my actions. There's no better way, because it's like a reset every single day it's a little reset. I might have had a really shit day yesterday, gone completely uh off what I wanted to be doing or feeling, and maybe it was really shit. But rather than dwell on that by starting your morning again with a, with some sort of routine, whatever that might be, you can reset and start again exactly and then choose again. And that is literally what it is. It's just about getting things in place to constantly remind you to keep, keep high five.
Speaker 2:Ultimately, 100 and and also, you know, going back, going back to mornings, like, don't start your day by scrolling through freaking instagram or listening to the news. Don't do it. Like like the problem at the moment is that. Well, I say at the moment, I mean, anyway, the problem at the moment is is, you know, yes, when you look at the state of the world, you know it's it's not in, it's not in a great state for many, many, many, many reasons. But don't do what everybody else does and focus on all the shite 24 7. We don't need to do this to see. You've only got to go online to sort of, you know, read the comments on some on on instagram, or like I'm not on twitter or x, whatever the hell it's called. But but I know that you know people, there's a lot of negativity there and people are just like, what are we doing? What are we doing? Like hanging out on social media having arguments with people we don't know? It's literally insanity and and the thing is we are, we are reinforcing all of the shit.
Speaker 2:If everybody stopped doing that and went inwards and started, you know, we've got to stop focusing on, oh well, that person and that person and you know, oh, he's such a knob and oh, he's ruining the world. Yes, fine, okay, you know, unless you're actually going to do something about it, take your focus off that and and look at yourself instead. If everybody took their focus off of social media just for one week, if social media was banned and the news was banned for one freaking week, I tell you what? We would all feel a fuck of a lot better at the end of that week, no doubt so. So don't start your day with the news. Don't start your day with scrolling through instagram and, you know, feeling like crap about yourself, or feeling worried about the world, or anxious or depressed. Don't start your day like that. Start your day with positivity. Listen to a podcast, do a meditation, visualize your future. That's how I want to start the day.
Speaker 1:I'm so sorry I'm on such a rant this morning it's fine, it's all good, love it when you're going around. I mean what I would say about social media not that I don't think you should start your day with social media at all, but also just be intentional. Create a feed that is uplifting. It's totally possible to do what, uh? So giles, my husband and he's much better at this than I, and I I'm getting better at it I'm just going through and trying to delete a lot of the people who I follow, who I don't really follow um, but he doesn't.
Speaker 1:He barely uses instagram, but he does, and he's only just started getting into it because he was doing some research into instagram. But he just follows, basically, people who are doing such inspirational things like running around the world or cycling around the world, and his feed is a dog, a lot of dogs, like funny dogs. So his feed is so uplifting because he's curated it, because the algorithm now is working in his favour. So it's either something which really makes him laugh, something which is really inspiring, or something that actually he wants to learn about, and that is actually what I want a mission to try and do exactly that, because I've got too many people I follow at the moment, so you can create a feed which is uplifting and not full of negativity and crap we have been, can I?
Speaker 2:just add one more thing.
Speaker 2:I was talking about this in on on a thrive solo called my membership call the other day and I and I've actually done a mini set about this, if anyone wants to listen to it that I've done a mini so called. Your mind is like the out the instagram algorithm and our minds are literally like the instagram algorithm. You know, if you watch a reel of, um, a cute baby on instagram, you're going to get more reels of cute babies. If you watch a reel of something thoroughly depressing, you know, which I did, for example, when the la fires were well, they're still happening, but I, but when that first, when they first broke out, I was obsessively watching and then, and then literally my even though I only follow about 170 odd people on Instagram, most of whom are very positive and uplifting but because I watched a couple of reels about the fires, my feed was in.
Speaker 2:Every other post was about that and literally our brains work in the same way. So literally they do Like whatever we are putting our attention on, whatever reel we are putting our attention on, whatever real we are putting our attention on, we are going to get. We are going. Our brains are going to find more of that for us to place our attention on. So remember that your mind is also like the um, the instagram algorithm, and I'll shut up now because it's 34 minutes past.
Speaker 1:Oh my god, yeah, right, yeah um, that's a good place to start. So yeah, thank you, take care have a good day.